Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beware- It's my birthday

I’m usually not a fatalistic person, but somehow, reality has got the better of me.

It’s my birthday in a few hours, and I can’t help remembering what happened on my last two birthdays.

20th may 2007- An uncle of mine suddenly got a heart attack for the first time. He then had to stay in the ICU for a few days and then an angioplasty. Luckily he’s completely recovered from it now.

20th may 2008- Two close family friends passed away, from cancer and old age respectively. Though both deaths were due to health reasons and not ill fate, they both happened on the same day, my birthday.

For those who don’t know it, a trend of disastrous birthdays runs in my family. My mom’s birthday is 11th July (train blast day). Others have birthdays on 7th December (Pearl Harbour day), 11th September (you-know-what day), 26th January (earthquake day).

In a few hours, it’s gonna be 20th May 2009. So everyone reading this, watch out and take really good care of yourselves. At least for the next 24 hours.


IceMaiden said...

20th May 2009' :
Wumpus got laid. Smiled lik a drunkard. Smelled lik a fish. Went :O at screenshots of his fav movie. Buzzed like a fly. Irritated like a mosquito. Got hyper. Threw us out. Demanded more implemention.


Zai, u had to pick this day to be born on?

NO cheers,

Penguin said...

Don't say I didn't warn you.

BTW, this is waaaaay better than what the female wumpus did to us.

freeSpirit said...

d two wumpuses shd hook up.. wat say zai?? den dey mite be satisfied n stop buggin us

Penguin said...

yea that wud be awesome. she would go on rambling and he would keep ranting shaayaris.

Ronald said...

huh.. thank god nothing happened this year..