Sunday, August 24, 2008

The CG Final

Its been a while since I got back to my blog. I'd better write about the CG final before it fades out of my memory. (For those who don't know me, I've got a really weak memory retention capacity).

You're probably wondering what happened to the MST-that-never-was. Well, it never re-happened. We were told that the marks given for term work would be doubled instead.

In the meantime, we did get a teacher for CG. And I mean a real prof, not a simulated prof who never turned up in class. She didn’t take too many lectures though, but she did "clearly define" the portion from the textbook. And that's what we care about. :)

Now I'd like to mention at this point, that the portion marked was really really little compared to the actual syllabus. It was probably less than what we usually study for a

mid semester test.

So we were all pretty relaxed for this paper and were all chilled out on the final day. A lot of people(from other branches) did ask us whether we would be answering the exam this time or not.

As we got the question paper, we were relieved to see that most of the questions were of our level. Phew! But then, a lot of the questions were from our original syllabus (and not in the marked syllabus from our textbook). As you may have guessed, we all started talking to each other at once. We even had exam partners (from the first year), who were totally taken aback at seeing us. (I do hope we influenced them!!) The professor wasn't in college at that time, so the controller of exams came into our class. We explained the situation to him- that almost half the questions were out of syllabus. He told us to write whatever we knew, and to mark the unknown questions as "out of syllabus". If they were truly out of syllabus, we would be given credit for it. And that's exactly what I did. Fortunately, i knew all the "in-syllabus" questions pretty well. I attempted 140 marks (i.e. the whole paper), with about 70 marks "out-of-syllabus”.

A little while later, the CG prof came in. She was cool (a bit too cool) and told us to "relax, don't worry, everything will be fine". She came to the same conclusion as the Controller of Exams, so I was really happy.

And that's how the CG tribulation ended. We thought it would have been a little more exciting, but what the hell, it’s the first time in my life that I’ve attempted 140 marks in an exam.

Oh by the way, I scored a 10 in CG!!! I wonder if the exam department knows that my account in the lab where we were supposed to do the programs was totally empty!


Aditya Sengupta said...

And then the industry wonders why the comp-sci grads don't know squat!

The Wanderer said...

Hey ain't u happy that u got a 10 inspite of all the "jhol"? SO stop cribbing about CG now ;-)

PS: What's with the background color? Wanna shoo off potential visitors? PLEASE chabge it at hurts while reading.

Penguin said...

@ karan

Am i cribbing? Can't u judge the tone of the post?
Didn't you get enough practice of that in GRE? ;)

sukalp said...

exam walk-outs, no profs, nd a well deserved A :P
awesome! ..vjti rocks
i regret dropping out :(hutpasi